
Definitely Pretty, Surely Asian

"To help ensure that our species survives and continues up the evolutionary ladder, we are genetically coded to be drawn to people who possess traits suggesting health and strong survival and reproductive abilities. These include wideset eyes, high cheekbones, large eyes, full lips, clear light skin, a short nose and a relatively small lower face. The majority happen to be traits that Asian women are more likely to possess than women of other races. Below is a chart showing each feature as embodied in an attractive Asian and caucasian face and a score reflecting how the typical features of that race would rate. Asian women can rest assured that their faces aren't at a disadvantage when judged against deeply held notions of feminine beauty."

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Pretty Tame Asian Face - Risako Sugaya

"Where Asian beauty encounters resistance is more often on the level of the associations that its features evoke in American minds. This social overlay comprises economic, cultural and political associations as viewed through the prism of individual biases. For example, a deeply tanned Asian woman might remind many older Americans of impoverished and wartorn Asian nations, causing them to assign a lower value to her brand of beauty. Another example is a young American male who may associate an Asian woman with media images, prompting him to impute more sexuality to Asian features. The chart below shows the most common biases that produce the American social overlay on Asian beauty."

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